
News Focus: LinuxWorld

News Focus: Surprise! Microsoft leads the headlines but the real buzzword at this year's LinuxWorld is virtualization.
Written by ZDNET Editors, Contributor

At the same time that Apple was booting Windows XP on Intel Macs, Microsoft was leading the headlines at LinuxWorld. Software makers are hearing the call for virtualization so it's now a race to get there first. But DRM, desktop Linux and open source are still hot topics.

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6058667.html" rel="follow"> Is Microsoft playing well with others?

As it opens up to Linux and rival software, company faces deep skepticism over whether it's really changed its stripes.
April 6, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6058790.html" rel="follow"> DRM key to Linux success

Yes, RealNetworks exec argues at LinuxWorld. But do consumers really want tech like FairPlay, PlaysForSure?
April 6, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9595_22-6058196.html" rel="follow"> Microsoft to 'open the doors' of Linux labs

The software giant will launch a Web site to communicate with customers who use Microsoft and open-source software.
April 5, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9590_22-6058123.html" rel="follow"> Device support 'key' to desktop Linux

Hardware makers should do more to make devices compatible with the open-source OS, experts tell LinuxWorld attendees.
April 5, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9584_22-6057956.html" rel="follow"> Virtualization bolsters Dell worldview

While its other software projects appear stuck in the mud, virtual technologies may hit market sooner than some expect.
Photos: Dell CTO pushes virtualization
April 5, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6057826.html" rel="follow"> Microsoft hastens virtualization support

While its other software projects appear stuck in the mud, virtual technologies may hit market sooner than some expect.
Microsoft to 'host' Linux virtually
David Berlind: Or should Linux host Windows?
Ed Burnette: Huh? Microsoft supports Linux but snubs Xen
April 4, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9590_22-6057456.html" rel="follow"> Slimmer Linux needed for $100 laptop

The head of the One Laptop Per Child organization says he'll use Linux, but it needs to go on a diet.
Photos: Linux short of $100 laptop
April 4, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6057373.html" rel="follow"> Linux lab looks to dueling interfaces

Project Portland is designed to sidestep differences between the two competing graphical interfaces most widely used with Linux.
April 4, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9593_22-6057535.html" rel="follow"> Red Hat, Intel plan 17 development centers

The two companies will open centers where customers and partners can ensure their software and hardware hum along on Linux.
April 4, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6056673.html" rel="follow"> Virtualization start-ups hit reset button

Virtual Iron and XenSource, two contenders in a hot market, have put VMware in the crosshairs as they seek better business strategies.
George Ou: The battle for virtualization heats up
April 2, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-9593_22-6056530.html" rel="follow"> Start-up brings glitch wiki to IT pros

Splunk is bringing the concept of wikis to IT professionals who hunt down system glitches.
April 2, 2006

="" href="http://news.zdnet.com/2100-3513_22-6055898.html" rel="follow"> IBM offers bounty for Exchange customers

Big Blue says partners can earn up to $20,000 by getting Microsoft Exchange users to switch to Lotus Domino on Linux.
March 30, 2006

="" href="http://blogs.zdnet.com/BTL/?p=2780" rel="follow">Open source community needs a haircut

Dan Farber Dan Farber: Former Massachusetts CIO has some advice for the open-source community: for business, dress for success.

March 28, 2006

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