
Nuggets: Funmail - Larf, I nearly died...

Nuggets, twice a day, every day (well, we do our best!). Software, hardware and every gadget we can get our mits on...
Written by Justin Pearse, Contributor

Fun on the Net... surely not?!

The problem with most free email accounts is that they're pretty boring -- how many people do you know with an email address of personIknow@hotmail.com?

Funmail is a new service -- going live in April -- which lets you pick from over 2500 domain names. Once you've set up your account, which remains constant, you can choose up to 20 different addresses. So you can be @marryme.co.uk to your girlfriend, @iwantyou to that girl in accounts you've got your eye on and @gotohell.co.uk to her boyfriend. The number of domain names available also makes it easier to get the username (before the @) closest to your own name. There are addresses for special occasions, sporting addresses, topical ones and loads more. The service is free but you'll have to give up a lot of personal information which will be used for ‘permission marketing'.

There's a patronisingly simple Nuggets competition going on at the mo. Click here to win an Airboard or a Stinger... Don't say we're not good to you!

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