
Number 10 Most-Commented Post of Year:iPhone without a keyboard!

Earlier this year when reports filtered out that the iPhone was going to feature a touch-screen keypad rather than a physical keyboard, the debate seemed to be between traditionalists and those who thought a touch-screen pad was both utilitarian and cool.Sensing the debate, I wrote a post entitled Poll: do you care that iPhone is missing a physical keyboard?
Written by Russell Shaw, Contributor

Earlier this year when reports filtered out that the iPhone was going to feature a touch-screen keypad rather than a physical keyboard, the debate seemed to be between traditionalists and those who thought a touch-screen pad was both utilitarian and cool.

Sensing the debate, I wrote a post entitled Poll: do you care that iPhone is missing a physical keyboard?

Nearly 1,700 of you voted.

And if you go back to the page I just linked in this post, you still can!

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