
Recent items of interest

I've been hit by a perfect storm of events that have led to my Inbox filling up with items I find interesting enough to share with you and not enough time to do a full post on each of them. Here are some new items of note that may turn into a full-blown post sometime in the future as time permits but which I didn't want to slip through the cracks.
Written by Marc Orchant, Contributor
Object Desktop ObjectBar
I've been hit by a perfect storm of events that have led to my Inbox filling up with items I find interesting enough to share with you and not enough time to do a full post on each of them. Here are some new items of note that may turn into a full-blown post sometime in the future as time permits but which I didn't want to slip through the cracks.

Inclue! is an add-in for Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express that adds a "media inbox" to your e-mail application. Subscribe to podcasts or video feeds and watch them right from your inbox.

Copernic Desktop Search version 2.0 has been released. The latest version of this popular desktop search tool adds significantly better performance in both indexing and search speeds, word wheeling in advanced search fields, and the ability to save searches. The UI has been freshened up a bit but nothing has been changed radically and Copernic still offers one of the nicest user interfaces in the desktop search category.

Stardock has released ObjectBar 2, part of its Object Desktop suite of visual enhancements. ObjectBar allows you to replace the standard Windows task bar and Start menu with a wide variety of alternatives (a minimal launcher is pictured above). I've been running Object Desktop 2007 on my system for more than a month and will be posting a full review of the suite sometime soon. If you want to experience a lot of the eye candy promised in Vista right now, this the best (and least expensive) way to do it.

Zoho has released QuickRead, an extension for Firefox and Internet Explorer that allows you to open compatible office documents found on public web pages directly in their web-based productivity application without the need to download the documents to your local PC first.

That's it for now. Back to the Inbox to mine more goodies. 

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