
RIM: Microsoft's Windows Phone strategy confusing

RIM CEO Thorsten Heins calling Microsoft's Windows Phone strategy confusing is a pot calling kettle black moment.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Research in Motion CEO Thorsten Heins took aim at Microsoft and its Windows Phone platform and said the software giant is confusing users.
According to CNET News, Heins said that Microsoft is overwhelming consumers with Windows Phone 7, 7.5 and Windows Phone 8. Roger Cheng quoted Heins: "It's confusing at the moment."


It's obvious Heins (right) has a dog in this No. 3 mobile platform race. It's in RIM's best interest to ding Windows Phone. After all, Microsoft has enterprise chops and could usurp RIM.
But here's the reality check. Heins saying Microsoft's platform strategy is confusing is a pot calling kettle black moment.
To wit:

  • BlackBerry has talked up its BlackBerry 10 OS incessantly as it tries to sell BlackBerry 7 devices.
  • RIM's app strategy---BlackBerry meets Android meets BlackBerry 10---is a bit muddled.
  • And RIM has plenty of BlackBerry OS flavors in the field such as BlackBerry 6, BlackBerry 7 and the so-far-mythical BlackBerry 10, which is delivering an Osborne Effect to the entire device line-up.

My read: RIM's strategy is just as incoherent if not worse than Microsoft's. The sales data seems to indicate that both companies may be confusing the hell out of smartphone buyers.


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