
Skype makes Cisco executive its new chief

Tony Bates, who leads Cisco's enterprise, commercial and small business unit, is joining Skype as chief executive, according to reports
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Skype will reportedly get a new chief exeutive from Cisco Systems in a move that will highlight the budding enterprise technology rivalry between the two companies.

The New York Times and TechCrunch are reporting that Tony Bates, who leads Cisco's enterprise, commercial and small business unit, will take over as Skype chief executive. Josh Silverman, who has run Skype since 2008, will step aside.

Cisco said in a blog post that its chief technical officer Padmasree Warrior will take over to lead the enterprise, commercial and small business group.

Skype has been very clear that it plans to be a major collaboration player in business settings. The hiring of Bates, along with its recent partnership with Avaya, indicates that the company is moving into Cisco's territory.

For more on this ZDNet UK-selected story, see With new CEO, Skype's rivalry with Cisco comes into full view on ZDNet.com.

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