
Sun xVM Ops delivering on promises

As I pointed out in the post Sun xVM Ops Center, Sun is one of the few companies that has offerings in every category of the Kusnetzky Group Model (see Sorting out the different layers of virtualization if you don't remember the different layers of virtualization technology in the KG model). In the post on Sun's xVM Ops Center, I summarized the goals and directions that Sun's Steve Wilson articulated during our conversation.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

As I pointed out in the post Sun xVM Ops Center, Sun is one of the few companies that has offerings in every category of the Kusnetzky Group Model (see Sorting out the different layers of virtualization if you don't remember the different layers of virtualization technology in the KG model). In the post on Sun's xVM Ops Center, I summarized the goals and directions that Sun's Steve Wilson articulated during our conversation. Sun offered me a quick update on Sun xVM Ops Center 2.0 recently. Did they deliver on their promises? The quick answer is they over delivered.

Sun learned a great deal from customers using version 1.0 of its Ops Center. This learning along with a deep understanding of enterprise datacenters, were part of the development of xVM Ops Center 2.0.

Sun understands that today's enterprise datacenters include mainframes, midrange systems from many suppliers as well as industry standard systems running Windows, Linux and UNIX. They also include intelligent routing and network virtualization systems, storage virtualization systems and even intelligent power supplies.

If a supplier of management tools hopes to be able to legitimately claim to manage the datacenter, their products must address each and every one of these systems and devices. Few can actually do this. Sun is one of the few.

Another important point about enterprise datacenters is that they are large. A management tool that can manage a few hundred physical and virtual machines just can't address the scale of an enterprise datacenter. Sun's products can scale to hundreds of thousands of devices.

Sun also has demonstrated the understanding that multi-vendor compatibility and interoperability are key requirements in the enterprise datacenter. Ops center delivers a great deal in this area now and enhancments are on the drawing board for future versions.

Are you responsible for managing an enterprise datacenter? If so, it would be worth learning more about Sun xVM Ops Center

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