
Support.com: We'll kill your crapware for free

Support.com on Monday will roll out a free service designed to remove crapware from your PC.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Support.com on Monday will roll out a free service designed to remove crapware from your PC.

This public service has a bit of a motive: Support.com--essentially the Jiffy Lube of the PC industry--wants your future business. Here's how this will work: Folks call 1-800-PC-Support or log on support.com to connect to your computer and remove crapware.

Anthony Rodio, chief operating officer, said the offer is designed for folks that need a little hand holding. Unlike a program like PC Decrapifier, Support.com will walk you through all the ins and outs of crapware to install it.

I talked to Support.com chief operating officer Anthony Rodio about this gimmicky-yet-potentially-useful service:

  • On why doesn't Support.com just use a program to delete crapware Rodio said that a lot of folks don't want to remove this unwanted software on their own because it's a PITA (pain in the you know what).
  • On whether PC makers will ever give up on crapware, Rodio said it's highly doubtful that crapware will ever go away. Why? The money is good. Profit margins on PCs are razor thin and manufacturers can make $30 or more for each software with preloaded crapware on it. "Crapware isn't going away," said Rodio.
  • On what's in it for Support.com Rodio was blunt. Support.com wants your business (it offers PC tune-ups and other support services). "We have an obviously selfish reason. We want you to try our service," he said.
  • On whether crapware is good for Support.com's business Rodio said overall this bloatware drives revenue because a lot of problems start with preloaded software. Support.com's costs do increase as call centers are bombarded with crapware questions, but for the most part this unwanted software can drive business.
  • So why remove crapware? Rodio hates it. He says Support.com would much rather spend its time removing viruses than stupid toolbars that no one wants.
  • On the next frontier for crapware Rodio said netbooks look like natural candidates. Netbooks are cheap and the profit margins are terrible. Rodio said these baby laptops are virgin territory for crapware peddlers and it's just a matter of time before this new category is bogged down too. "Let's face it, PCs are an effective channel for preloaded software," said Rodio.

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