
The route to the next level

Business analyst in software company wants to know what to do to get to next level in career.
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Q. I am working as a business analyst in a software company. My qualification is M.Sc Software Engineering.

What do I need to do to get to the next level of my career? Is there any certification that I can pursue?

Career advice from Arun Rao, global HR vice president of independent software testing company, AppLabs:

Your next level would be determined by what career track you would like to take as you grow further in your career. As I see it, you can continue this journey as a business analyst or you can branch into project management.

If you wish to continue as a businnes analyst, then I would recommend doing some industry level certifications--I am assuming that you are focusing on some specific verticals.

If you wish to change tracks and get into project management, then I would suggest that you should target Project Management Institute (PMI) certification.

If you are open to further education, an MBA could be useful--but please choose the institute and the course based on the content offered. They should help you build your profile and positioning appropriately.

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