
The top 3 tricks up a CIO’s sleeve

When your company’s CIO strolls into the board room, does he or she quake at the thought of taunting rebukes from the ‘suits’ who just won’t understand the plight of the IT department? Or will our redoubtable CIO hero (or heroine) have three top tricks up their shirt sleeve (or blouse) to help them bridge the divide?
Written by Adrian Bridgwater, Contributor

When your company’s CIO strolls into the board room, does he or she quake at the thought of taunting rebukes from the ‘suits’ who just won’t understand the plight of the IT department? Or will our redoubtable CIO hero (or heroine) have three top tricks up their shirt sleeve (or blouse) to help them bridge the divide?

As Harry Hill would say: there’s only one way to find out!

(no not “fight!” – but read the survey commissioned by Serena that I’ve just been looking at)

By all accounts it’s all about visibility, productivity and agility - if you believe surveys that is. Progressive CIOs strive to create a more business-savvy culture by:

1) Providing visibility into all projects, both major and minor, to understand how people, time and resources are allocated.

2) Assessing productivity gains and business improvements, making adjustments as needed.

3) Practicing agility in setting priorities and trying new technologies, delivery platforms and outsourcing relationships to get the job done more effectively.

Basically, it sounds like it’s about getting CIOs to think like business people. Let’s hope the management media take heed and try to get the ‘suits’ to understand the difference between a kernel and a keyboard eh?

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