
What to expect from Sybase TechWave 2008

I’m currently sat at 34,000 feet in seat 20D on board US Airways flight #80 to Las Vegas on my way to attend Sybase’s user conference TechWave. This is my fifth year attending the show and I think it’s probably worth explaining why I am going.
Written by Adrian Bridgwater, Contributor

I’m currently sat at 34,000 feet in seat 20D on board US Airways flight #80 to Las Vegas on my way to attend Sybase’s user conference TechWave. This is my fifth year attending the show and I think it’s probably worth explaining why I am going.

Although Sybase is recognised as a database company, it is arguably less ‘celebrated’ than the likes of Oracle, IBM or even Microsoft for its brand and industry reach. So why am I going? Believe me, it’s not to see Vegas – like many of you I’ve been to too many events to need to look at the sparkly lights.

I’m probably going because Sybase is one of the only database companies out there to really try and talk to me about its developer programme. The Sybase Developer Network (SDN) and the independent International Sybase User Group (ISUG) - both of whom will be at the show – are made up on hard-core developers and DBAs with an eye on the development scene.

…my kind of industry event to hang out in then :-)

As I have blogged before, what I have learnt about Sybase over the years is that it takes a lot of flak for being less of a headline maker by dint of the fact that many of its ‘hush hush’ deals are in defence.

But what I am hoping this time is that we hear CEO and chairman John Chen move on a little from his, ‘my vision of the unwired enterprise’ speech he gives every year at the keynote. We get the message John; tell us what’s around the corner for the next five years.

I am also hoping that get a little more tangibility. If so much of what the company does is below the wires (a huge percentage on SMS traffic lives on Sybase I believe) – then let’s hear about some of the front line stuff.

The company’s iAnywhere and Sybase 365 divisions will, I hope, get more attention this year. Given John Chen’s interest in China’s economic trading interests (and the fact that the Olympics starts this week) this is a pretty safe bet. Sybase 365 is an operator-grade network that reaches over 700 mobile operators around the world and 2.4 billion mobile subscribers. But you’ve still never heard of it right?

Just continuing on a Chinese tangent for a second – after my ‘Applications tone up for Beijing Olympics’ blog last week where I bemoaned the lack of themed news. First off the blocks this morning was Adobe who announced a relationship with CCTV.com to deliver coverage via the web. I’m not clairvoyant, but I was waiting for that one.

So anyway, my mission this week is to talk to more users than ever before. I think I’m pretty well read-up on the corporate message set, so let’s hear from the chaps (and the occasional lady) who have showed up to brave the 104F degree heat.

Right, day one blog over and I think we’re somewhere over Louisville Kentucky. I’ll post this when I land at McCarren International Airport with its lovely free wireless service.

NB: US$2 for water or Coke now on US Airways, almost the entire plane is sitting here in parched silent protest!

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