
You know a trend has gotten broad when..

The New York Times, a well-known font of information in the area of information technology, published Revived Fervor for Smart Monitors Linked to a Server, an article by Ashlee Vance October 13th. If the NY Times gets around to saying something about technology, it's pretty well known by those in the industry.
Written by Dan Kusnetzky, Contributor

The New York Times, a well-known font of information in the area of information technology, published Revived Fervor for Smart Monitors Linked to a Server, an article by Ashlee Vance October 13th. If the NY Times gets around to saying something about technology, it's pretty well known by those in the industry. Access virtualization, such as that mentioned by the times article has been around for quite some time.

While the article points out the efforts of the big guys in the market, folks such as ClearCube, Pano Technologies, VDIworks and Wyse weren't mentioned in my quick read. It's often the case that the most innovative technology comes from one of the smaller players (later to be acquired by one of the bigger ones).

I'm happy to see that this approach is getting more recognition. It's a valuable addition to the "bag of tricks" an IT organization can apply to reduce the administrative overhead they face due to laptops and desktop PCs while also increasing levels of security.

Although a person must register to read the content at the NY Times website, it's worth the bother.

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