Matthew Miller

Matthew Miller started using mobile devices in 1997 and has been writing news, reviews, and opinion pieces ever since. Matthew started using mobile devices with a US Robotics Pilot 1000 and has owned hundreds of devices running Palm, Linux, Symbian, Newton, BlackBerry, iOS, Android, webOS, Windows Mobile, and Windows Phone operating systems. His current collection includes the latest and greatest foldables, wearables, and more, along with classic devices like the Apple Newton MessagePad 2100 and Sony CLIE UX50. Matthew can be found on various social networks under the user name of "palmsolo."

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The Cell Phone Junkie Unlocked #23, Palm Pre hands-on impressions

The Cell Phone Junkie Unlocked #23, Palm Pre hands-on impressions

I love talking about mobile technology with fellow mobile enthusiasts and was honored to be asked to appear with Mickey and Joey on the The Cell Phone Junkie Unlocked #23 to talk about my last several days with the Palm Pre. The Pre was just launched Saturday and you probably read about my Hawaiin line waiting to get the Pre. Overall, I am quite happy with the Pre and think Palm did a great job with WebOS for the most part. I would like to see Palm improve their PIM apps, primarily the Calendar, and take the lead once again for managing your calendar, contacts, and tasks. It was great to chat with Mickey and Joey about the device and I hope I was able to answer all their questions and help out listeners to get a feel for the device. You really should get down to your Sprint store to try one out.

June 9, 2009 by in Mobility

What to do in Hawaii? Get up early and stand in line for a Palm Pre

What to do in Hawaii? Get up early and stand in line for a Palm Pre

If you listened to the last couple of MobileTechRoundup podcasts you heard me say I was not planning on picking up a Palm Pre. However, a few things occurred that made me rethink my strategy regarding the Pre. With the small number of available review units available (and no timeline of when I may actually get one to check out), my mobile device history that began with the use of Palm devices back in 1997 with the Pilot 1000 and fact that I still have a special place in my heart for Palm, and the fateful timeliness of having a business trip complete the day before the Pre launch I just could not hold back. I was out in Hawaii crawling around a ship for the last week and was scheduled to fly home on Saturday at noon. With no family or other obligations on Saturday morning, what else was a mobile enthusiast to do other than get to the largest Sprint store in Honolulu and get in line early.