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Technology jobs have long been dominated by specialized roles and niche technologies. However, the most employable technologists of the future will likely be the ones who can see the bigger picture, understand business, and adapt to the sweeping changes in tech.

Microsoft support for Windows XP officially ends on April 8, 2014. After that date there will be no new security updates, non-security hotfixes, and no free or paid support options for XP. Here are resources from ZDNet and TechRepublic to help you navigate the transition.

The rising tides of big data, video, and cloud computing are driving tremendous demand for faster and more efficient networks. We delve into how things like software-defined networks (SDN) and new wireless technologies are enabling business transformation.

After 13 years as Microsoft’s CEO, 33-year veteran Steve Ballmer has passed the torch to Satya Nadella. Ballmer has had a lasting impact on Microsoft, its partners, customers and competitors. Here’s a look back at his lasting legacy.

Enterprise apps represent some of the oldest and most entrenched parts of IT. How are enterprise apps evolving to meet the changing needs of today's leaner, faster businesses? We explore it from the angles of social, mobile, analytics, and the cloud.

Big data is transitioning from one of the most hyped and anticipated tech trends of recent years into one of the biggest challenges that IT is now trying to wrestle and harness. We examine the technologies and best practices for taking advantage of big data and provide a look at organizations that are putting it to good use.

Windows 8 in Business 28 articles

Microsoft has painted bold design strokes with Windows 8, but the business impact remains hotly debated. ZDNet and TechRepublic have the enterprise and SMB perspectives on Windows 8 covered from virtually every angle. Jason Hiner (left) explains what you'll find in this special feature

The rise of cloud computing has put new and different demands on data center capacity. Powered by smaller chips like the ones in mobile devices, microservers have emerged to help meet the needs of 'scaling out' and to produce servers that are lower cost and lower power.

The hottest device in the enterprise remains the tablet. Executives have pushed for them, IT departments have accommodated them, and users continue to clamor for them. Are they a fad or game-changer? We examine the productivity benefits, opportunities, and myths.

The Consumer Electronics Show sets the stage for the trends that will shape the next year in tech. We filter the most important CES stories that matter for professionals and businesses. For 2014, we're especially watching the consumerization of IT, wearable computing, and the Internet of Things.