
2015: Looking forward to upcoming DIY-IT projects

There is a lot coming up in 2015. In this article, we share with you some of the projects we'll be working on beginning next year.
Written by David Gewirtz, Senior Contributing Editor

Last week, we had the chance to go over some of the bigger DIY-IT projects from 2014. But that was so almost-last-year. The question on everyone's lips is "What's coming in 2015?" Well, ask, and ye shall receive.

We've got a lot planned for you (and a bunch of stuff is likely to show up that we're not even planning). Even so, here are some of the big projects you can look forward to, beginning in January.

Automating Android: One of the biggest differences between iOS and Android is just how much control you have over the system. In 2015, we'll dive into building custom Android capabilities right into your phone. We'll work on simple projects, but we'll also explore how to do device control (Internet of Things) and even location awareness using beacon technology.

Organizing your contacts ... finally: We've all been complaining about contact management, myself included. Well, it's time to put that monster to rest. In 2015, I'll share with you tips, techniques, and tools for making it all work.

Software business crash course: Even since I wrote "So you have an app idea and want to make a bajillion bucks," I've been getting a lot of questions...many of which are incredibly naive. In 2015, I'll go in-depth for small and medium-sized business and explore what's really involved in making a software business for work. I made my living this way for 20 years, and I'll bring all of that experience into this series.

Solving the media asset management challenge: Another topic I complained about at length was the challenge of managing a large library of images that mixed vectors with raster graphics. In 2015, I'll show you how to solve that particular challenge.

More productivity hacking: In 2014, we spent a few articles together discussing how to maximize productivity in day-to-day work. There's no end to the need to get more work out of less time, so we'll be continuing this series in 2015.

More tweaks and optimizations: Each year, I dive into various tweaks, optimizations, and cool tricks and there will be more of that in 2015.

More in-depth articles on device choice and trends for small and medium business: The computing industry is changing and we're seeing a move away from the desktop and into new forms of computing. Without a doubt, we'll see a new batch of hardware and software entrants and I'll be right on top of them all, helping you understand what they do, how to evaluate them, and even how to think about making your own choices.

More great project ideas

More on the Skype studio ... becoming the Space Coast studio project: My very first project here on DIY-IT was the Skype studio and I still use it every week. But the world has changed a lot since those early days and Skype is far from the only answer. In acknowledgment of that, the Skype studio project will become the Space Coast studio project (because I live on the Space Coast, in Florida) and we'll explore integrating Hangouts into the studio, and other methods to provide broadcast-quality video on a small budget, in a small space.

Puppy tech: Although most definitely not IT or enterprise, there's a chance (editors willing) that I'll sprinkle in a bit of puppy tech. Pixel is growing, getting smarter, faster, able to leap small fences in a single bound, and as we get to know the little critter, the geek-Daddy in me has to see how tech fits in. So stay tuned for a few articles that explore raising a pup and using that as an excuse to buy robotics and other goodies.

Updating the DIY-IT project guide: A few months after starting DIY-IT, I introduced the DIY-IT project guide. It's been a very popular resource, but it's started to grow a little unmanageable. I'll be updating it in 2015 and plan to turn it into an easier-to-use resource for all things DIY-IT.

Of course, that's not all. I never know everything I'll be working on before the end of the year, and as projects come around, I'll share them with you.

What are you planning to build in 2015? Share you project ideas below.

By the way, I'm doing more updates on Twitter and Facebook than ever before. Be sure to follow me on Twitter at @DavidGewirtz and on Facebook at Facebook.com/DavidGewirtz.

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