
Facebook launches Clear History feature that should have been there all along

Clear History will take a few months to build and input from various parties, but Facebook will allow users to clear their data trail--just like you can with your browsers.
Written by Larry Dignan, Contributor

Facebook is launching a feature dubbed Clear History and perhaps the most shocking item is that it wasn't there before.

Ahead of his talk at the F8 developer conference, CEO Mark Zuckerberg outlined Clear History.

We're starting with something a lot of people have asked about recently: the information we see from websites and apps that use Facebook's ads and analytics tools.

Once we roll out this update, you'll be able to see information about the apps and websites you've interacted with, and you'll be able to clear this information from your account. You'll even be able to turn off having this information stored with your account.

Facebook, which is rolling out Clear History amid the Cambridge Analytica flap as well as Zuckerberg's hearings before Congresss, did note that Clear History is similar to deleting cookies from your browser. Zuckerberg said:

To be clear, when you clear your cookies in your browser, it can make parts of your experience worse. You may have to sign back in to every website, and you may have to reconfigure things. The same will be true here. Your Facebook won't be as good while it relearns your preferences.

Zuckerberg did say that "this is an example of the kind of control we think you should have."

Clear History will take a few months to build and Facebook said it will work with various parties for input on plans to remove identifying information.

Also: What is GDPR? Everything you need to know about the new general data protection regulations

Funny how browsers have offered clear history options from the jump. Facebook is obviously trying to walk the line between user controls and its targeting.

Adjust these Facebook privacy settings to protect your personal data


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