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Blogging changes lives.  It changes the writers/publishers and obviously it changes the lives of those who are in the public eye and have to undergo the wrath of irate bloggers that catch them out in some misrepresentation.
Written by Richard Stiennon, Contributor

Blogging changes lives.  It changes the writers/publishers and obviously it changes the lives of those who are in the public eye and have to undergo the wrath of irate bloggers that catch them out in some misrepresentation.


As many who know my iconoclastic leanings I tend to question the status quo and accepted wisdom.  In the re-birth of the Threatchaos blog here at ZDNet I expect and hope for even more changes.  Blogging can take over one’s life. It certainly alters your outlook as you stumble through your day. You are constantly on the prowl for something to say, something to add, some way to express yourself that someone will find valuable.  This blog leverages the readership and position it gained in the blogosphere over the last year. The launch of this blog is coincident with the launch of my new analyst firm, IT-Harvest.


There are three aspects to a good analyst. First, having a thirst for knowledge and never tiring of seeking it. Second, being able to express yourself in speech, whether it is in front of a camera, on the phone, or on a stage. And finally, being able to express your findings in writing. 


In a year of posting to Threatchaos.com I began to fulfill my desire to hone my writing skills. When you first start a blog there is very little fear-induced writer’s block. After all, no one is reading your blog.  As your readership begins to build your shyness fades away. Now I am ready to expose my thoughts and predictions to a much greater audience enabled by re-homing threatchaos to ZDNet. 


Now that I can devote full time to writing and speaking and researching, this blog will be an excellent venue for an outpouring of knowledge that comes from greater exposure to the security industry.  

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