
MobileTechRoundup show #207, HP-Palm, webOS update, Nokia N8

The big news of the week that we started with on MobileTechRoundup show #207 was HP's purchase of Palm. James, Kevin, and me each gave our thoughts on this purchase and I know I personally am very happy to see webOS continue. The Nokia N8 was also big news in the smartphone world this week and it looks like Nokia has not been resting on their worldwide smartphone lead either with a compelling device that I am sure to buy. T-Mobile lifts data caps with some acceptable speed throttling instead and Skyfire for Android 2 launches and becomes my default web browser.
Written by Matthew Miller, Contributing Writer

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The big news of the week that we started with on MobileTechRoundup show #207 was HP's purchase of Palm. James, Kevin, and me each gave our thoughts on this purchase and I know I personally am very happy to see webOS continue. The Nokia N8 was also big news in the smartphone world this week and it looks like Nokia has not been resting on their worldwide smartphone lead either with a compelling device that I am sure to buy. T-Mobile lifts data caps with some acceptable speed throttling instead and Skyfire for Android 2 launches and becomes my default web browser.

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