
Not too late to recycle your incandescent holiday lights

Has it been too cold to take down those holiday lights? Or, just feel like doing a little spring cleaning before the end of February?
Written by Heather Clancy, Contributor

Has it been too cold to take down those holiday lights? Or, just feel like doing a little spring cleaning before the end of February? It's not too late to add to the mess of incandescent lights that have been collected for recycling by HolidayLEDs.com.

The Jackson, Mich.-based e-commerce company (which sells LED holiday and decorative lights, of course) has already collect more than 5,500 pounds of the old-style lights for recycling. The window closes on Feb. 28; HolidayLEDs will start collecting again in October 2009.

Here's the link for more details.

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