
Weekend rant: cloud computing myths

Cloud Computing - from myth to realityView more presentations from Jon Collins. (tags: cloud computing paas)I have a great deal of respect for Jon Collins, managing director of FreeForm Dynamics, a British boutique analyst firm.
Written by Dennis Howlett, Contributor

I have a great deal of respect for Jon Collins, managing director of FreeForm Dynamics, a British boutique analyst firm. He applies the kind of factual rigor that is so often missing from marketing pitches.

In the above presentation, Collins uses survey data to explode some of the myths about cloud computing - not least of which are claims like: "Cloud services are crossing the chasm and entering a period of widespread adoption."

If you're thinking about 'the cloud' - whatever that means - then this might be a wake up call to re-think what we're really looking at here. Or to put it in another context - PaaS - as Bob Warfield said in a recent Irregulars conversation:

That has been the problem with these labels.  The good examples beget the buzz stealers and pretty soon everything is an object-oriented Web 2.0 Cloud as a Service Thingey.

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