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AT&T disables free Wi-Fi for iPhone users

You'll recall that around Wednesday or Thursday of last week AT&T began offering free Wi-Fi access to iPhone users at select Airports, Borders and Starbucks locations. The Internet was quite giddy over the concept of the deal which seemed like a nice way for the locations to get more iPhone toting customers into stores.
Written by Jason D. O'Grady, Contributor
AT&T drops free Wi-Fi for iPhone users
You'll recall that around Wednesday or Thursday of last week AT&T began offering free Wi-Fi access to iPhone users at select Airports, Borders and Starbucks locations. The Internet was quite giddy over the concept of the deal which seemed like a nice way for the locations to get more iPhone toting customers into stores.

It seemed like a foregone conclusion that AT&T was rolling it out to all of their domestic hotspots nationwide. I have to admit to being a little suspicious of the lack of a press release from either AT&T or Apple, but I just chalked it up to a soft launch while it was being rolled out.

Well, it looks like the party's over.

According to MacRumors AT&T has disabled the free service.

Today, many users are reporting that the free iPhone access has been removed and users are unable to log-in with just their phone number. This appears to be true at locations that were verified to offer the free Wi-Fi access just days before.

Maybe it got too popular too fast? Wasn't ready from prime time? People were spoofing the mobile Safari user-agent to get free access on their MacBooks? Let's just hope that it comes back soon.

What's your theory?

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