
Apple reveals what the Pro in iPhone 11 Pro stands for

At Apple's latest event, Cupertino defined what it means to be a professional. It's a limited definition.
Written by Chris Matyszczyk, Contributing Writer

So many more things. And yet so few.

Screenshot by ZDNet

I've not been sleeping well.

Ever since the ever-reliable rumors had revealed that Apple would be releasing an iPhone Pro -- even two -- I wondered how it might make my life better. And yours, of course.

What new aspects would suddenly make it a professional phone, as opposed to a glorious, beautiful effigy to amateurism and frivolous entertainment.

Would it make me seem more professional in the eyes of others?

Would it make another of my devices obsolete, just as the iPad Pro has(n't) made my MacBook Air a vestige of a time gone by?

So, during Apple's latest event, I sat patiently waiting for the moment when the life-changing would occur. Would the iPhone Pro, for example, make my iPad obsolete?

This became slightly less likely when Apple introduced a brand new iPad, one that was, yes, supposedly even better than all the (cheaper) iPads that had gone before.

Still, the great moment arrived, after hours and hours of Apple employees cheering themselves.

Up stepped Phil Schiller, Apple's Senior Vice President of Worldwide Marketing, to explain how this one more thing was a completely breakthrough thing that would make all other breakthrough things things of the past.

Here's what Pro means: You can take better pictures. Oh, and videos.

That's it. 

Should you be inclined to become a filmmaker, a professional photographer, a realtor or someone who gets millions of Likes on social media -- for as long as Likes will be displayed on social media -- the iPhone Pro is just for you.

Should you, on the other hand, have been expecting some other vast revolution that will make your professional life more enjoyable or the amount you pack in your bag when you travel less onerous, this wasn't quite for you.

Even the colors on the iPhone Pro are a pained level of muted. There was a green one that looked gray and a gray one that also looked gray.

Please, I understand the technical limitations on phone creation these days. People aren't so ready to upgrade their phones because previous phones work just fine. Oh, and the new phones have become so expensive, without offering anything that seems to justify those prices.

Oh, could that be why Apple suddenly wants to call its latest iPhone a Pro? To make it sound as if it's worth paying more than $1,000 for?

How dastardly.

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